Part 1 - changing standards with saru jayaraman
ROC United Website
Saru’s Bio
Mother Jones, “The Racist, Twisted History of Tipping”
Huffington Post, “A Bittersweet Day for Working Mothers Living Off Tips”
Saru’s 2015 New York Times OpEd, “Why Tipping is Wrong”
Saru’s latest book, FORKED: A New Standard for American Dining
Colors NY, the non-profit restaurant founded by ROC United
Saru discusses her book Behind the Kitchen Door on WNYC’s Leonard Lopate Show
Sanctuary Restaurants Website
Video, Laura Flanders Show panel, “This Isn't Alt-Labor. This is Labor”
Saru's TEDx Talk:

Part 2 - a new model with ben hall and jason murphy
Russell Street Deli Website
“Restaurants: The next front for the immigration debate?”
StarChefs Bio on Ben
“Raising Industry Standards and (Tipped) Minimum Wage” (Jason’s 2013 blog post for the
American Sustainable Business Council)
Ben’s art gallery
Crain's Detroit, “Russell Street Deli and Public Lumber & Millwork each win $100,000 NEIdeas grants”
NPR’s Marketplace podcast, “Detroit bankruptcy either a disease or cure,” featuring Ben Hall
“Higher wages and split tips: Working for fair pay in the Detroit service industry”
Russell Street Deli Facebook Page
Detroit Free Press, “3 Detroit businesses tell their stories of survival”
Deadline Detroit, Video Chat with Jason

general stories and links related to episode 10
- PBS Newshour, “Restaurants nationwide seek ‘sanctuary’ status for immigrant employees”
- Zero Hedge, "Since 2014 The US Has Added 547,000 Waiters And Bartenders And Lost 36,000 Manufacturing Workers”
- Medium, "Why the Restaurant Industry is the Most Important Industry in Today’s America”
- The Economist, “The case against tipping”
- New York Times Magazine, “Why Tip?”
- White House Report: "The Impact of Raising the Minimum Wage on Women and the Importance of Ensuring a Robust Tipped Minimum Wage"
Audio - Capital Public Radio, “New Trends in Restaurant Tipping”
- NPR, Stories about tipping