Part 1: Genuine progress indicator with Eric Zencey
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari
Gund Institute for Ecological Economics
Video: Welcome to the Gund
Eric’s article: “Sustainable, Happy, Efficient: A Complete Indicator of Well-being”
Eric's NY Times Op-Ed: "RIP GDP"
Eric’s Book, The Other Road to Serfdom & the Path to Sustainable Democracy
“Vermont, Other States Adopt the Genuine Progress Indicator”
“Beyond GDP: US states have adopted genuine progress indicators”
Eric's article: "Debt, Denial, and Democracy"
“Norway Earns Top Spot in 2017 World Happiness Report”
- Robert Kennedy's Speech at the University of Kansas, 1968
- The Gund in Action podcast

Credit: Donella Meadows Project Academy for Systems Change

Eric teaching in Prague

Johnson House at UVM, Home of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

Eric speaks about GPI at the University of Vermont

Source: Stephanie McMillan

IEWG (International Expert Working Group) Meeting in Bhutan with the King and Queen, 2013

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Eric on a panel at the Measuring What Matters Conference at UVM.
Source: Gund Institute Facebook Page

Eric's parents

Photo taken by Eric's father

DuPont Experimental Station, where Eric's mother worked in the 1960s

St. Georges, Delaware, where Eric grew up

DuPont clothing ad

DuPont clothing ad

DuPont testing of a parka

Chesapeake & Delaware Canal and marsh, where Eric and his brother used to play

Eric and his wife, novelist Kathryn Davis
Part 2: gross national hapiness with Julia Kim
GNH Centre Bhutan
NY Times: “In Bhutan, Happiness Index as Gauge for Social Ills”
Julia's Profile at the Presencing Institute
The “Global Wellbeing and GNH Lab” – an international GNH Program
Global Wellbeing and GNH Lab
GNH Masterclass, a new program launching in Bhutan and the UK July 2017
Bodhi, an organization making meditation fun and accessible
B.Grimm, a business that follows the GNH Centre's practices
Music by "Mondetta," a world music band that Julia plays with
Happiness Alliance Happiness Survey
- CNN Interview with Prime Minister of Bhutan
- Bhutan: Finding the Happiness Within
- Julia at the Presencing Global Forum 2012 in Berlin
- What is the MESSAGE of GNH?
- What is the PRACTICE of GNH?
- About the GNH Centre Bhutan’s PROGRAMS
- GNH and finding inner purpose: “The Right Livelihood Programme”
PDF Files:
- "Happiness: Towards a New Development Paradigm" (Report of the Kingdom of Bhutan)
- "The Image Project" An article in Oprah Magazine about Julia's work in South Africa

The 9 Domains of GNH

Julia in Bhutan


Haa Valley, Bhutan


Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck

Jigme Singye Wangchuck, former king, on Bhutanese currency

Julia playing the fiddle

Julia with her brother, Andrew


Slogan found at Thimphu's School of Traditional Arts, Bhutan