Part 1: Our Choice with Peter Frase
"A $15 minimum wage is too high and that’s great," by Peter Frase
"Ours to Master," by Peter Frase
Wired: "The AI Threat Isn’t Skynet, It’s the End of the Middle Class"
NY Times Editorial: "No, Robots Aren’t Killing the American Dream"
White House Report: "Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy"
NPR: "Presidential Campaigns Are Talking Around The Robot In The Room"
Marketplace: "What people get wrong when they talk about NAFTA"
Part 2: The Meaning of Work with Kathi Weeks
Kathi's book: The Problem With Work
Compass: A Feminist Case for Basic Income - Interview with Kathi Weeks
"Beyond the Wage System," by Kathi Weeks
NPR: "As Our Jobs Are Automated, Some Say We'll Need A Guaranteed Basic Income"
Part 3: Universal Basic Income with Juha Jarvinen
Finnish News: "Finland's basic income experiment begins: one man looks forward to a new start"
Juha's Facebook post about his initial experience with Basic Income
The Daily Star (Lebanon): "Finland's jobless welcome universal basic income trial"
Futurism: "Meet the Person Whose Life Is Being Changed by Universal Basic Income"
The Basic Income Podcast: "Alexis Frasz on what the Basic Income would mean to the Arts Community"
Juha's Personal Videos
* Juha’s videos of his children playing have become popular in Finland because of the adventurous spirit he both allows and encourages in his home. He cultivates an atmosphere of freedom, with loving support.